In 2008, we initiated the development of an organic citrus project in the “1000 Island Lake” area in the Shanghai region. Upon achieving organic certification, we introduced organic mandarins to natural food stores in the US. Over the past few years, we have also been selling mandarins in the organic foodservice market in Europe. The acreage of organic mandarins has steadily increased in recent years, enabling NOW to supply the supermarket channels in Europe and the US with larger volumes.
Our citrus project provides our customers with the highest quality organic mandarins. Immediately after harvest, the mandarins are processed and packaged in cans and jars. Packed in their own juice, the mandarins maintain their excellent fresh flavor. Canned mandarins are available in the following sizes:
In addition to organic mandarins, we also offer our customers organic peaches, apricots, pears, grapefruits, and loquats.